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  • Writer's pictureLyn Lainchbury

Maintaining healthy relationships: Communicating effectively

A person talking to a therapist.

Maintaining healthy relationships requires effort and effective communication, especially during summer breaks. These periods often present unique challenges and opportunities for relationships, whether familial, romantic, or platonic. Here are several ways to ensure your relationships thrive.

Prioritize Open Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. During summer breaks, routines often change, and people may travel or engage in various activities. This can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of neglect if communication falters. Regular check-ins, whether through phone calls, video chats, or text messages, help maintain a sense of connection. Being open about your plans and availability can prevent conflicts and manage expectations.

Set and Respect Boundaries

Summer breaks can blur the lines between personal time and relationship time. It’s crucial to set and respect boundaries. Discuss and agree on how much time you will spend together versus apart. This is particularly important in romantic relationships, where one partner might feel neglected if the other is constantly busy with friends or activities. Clear boundaries help in maintaining a balance and respecting each other’s need for individual time.

Be Mindful of Quality Time

The quality of time spent together often matters more than the quantity. Plan activities that both parties enjoy and that allow for meaningful interactions. Whether it’s a family vacation, a date night, or a simple day out with friends, the goal is to create positive and memorable experiences. Being fully present during these moments, free from distractions like phones or work, fosters deeper connections.

Practice Empathy and Understanding

Summer breaks can be a time of stress due to changes in routine, travel, or even the pressure to make the most of the time off. Practising empathy means being aware of and sensitive to your loved ones' feelings and experiences. Listen actively and validate their emotions. Understanding each other’s perspectives can diffuse potential conflicts and strengthen the relationship.


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